


本次聚變時代論壇結合Maker Faire Taipei,號召來自世界各地的創新專案進行分享,喚起大家以實作來改變世界的勇氣,並討論如何透過國際串連及跨域合作,發揚自造者運動的共創精神,讓更多人捲起袖子加入自造者運動的行列。 

Fusionera 2015

We are living in an era where boundaries no longer exist and old rules no longer apply. Innovations of all kinds are breaking out due to the Internet and advanced technologies, while global and cross-disciplinary collaborations create powerful fusions that lead us to greater change.

This year, Fusionera will take place alongside Maker Faire Taipei 2015 (May 30-31) to feature innovators who will share their exciting projects and to discuss how to create greater synergies through global network and working together across disciplines, with hope to inspire more people take part in the Maker Movement by doing and making.

首次舉辦的 Fusionera論壇,將與2015年自造者界的盛事Maker Faire Taipei同步於華山文創園區舉辦,由策展人闞凱宇  (MakerBar Taipei創辦人 )、共同策展人侯君昊  (交通大學建築研究所副教授)、洪堯泰 (Fablab Taipei創辦人 ),共同邀請來自世界各地的創新專案實踐家,以演講的方式與 Maker Faire的觀眾們分享。
